Hypothetical branding for a fictional planet
At Proktodeum we want new and existing citizens to have the opportunity to find themselves through exploration, expression, and pleasure. We want our people to be able to adapt our values to seek their own individualistic identities. We want them to unleash their true nature. To ultimately be able to crystallize their newfound self-love they let it manifest throughout their being.
We want to find new ways to metamorphose the flora and flora on our planet. We want to use these extravagant resources to enhance and evolve humans. We aim to create new neurological ways to experience sexual euphoria, innovate new ways of flirting amongst peers through communication, engineer garments that don’t just change your outside appearance but inside emotions as well.
We also want to make clear that here at Proktodeum, we want to respect the natural source of where we obtain those materials. We do not want to abuse our planet’s nature for narcotics, power, and profit. We want to create an environment where people can dive and explore their ideas; without abusing the tools that we give them. We want to make that very clear.
We don’t want to rebuild the old repressed society which we escaped in fear of persecution, but be able to create a new utopia in which we are allowed to be the best versions of ourselves possible. Luckily, here in Proktodeum, the planet is gifting us with these new rich resources to use as tools to build and create a fresh start for us and you. We hope that with the values and resources at Proktodeum, one can create and contribute new moments to our rich, opulent history which we will be creating together.